Nice day

Nice day

Bouquet of 15 roses white and pink color mixed with lisianthuses and mini carnation or mini roses with decorative details packed in decorative paper.


You can add to this arrangement sweets, wine, balloons, teddy bear or jewerly.

64.99 €

We guarantee

  • Always the most beautiful arrangement!

  • Always the best offer!

  • We always deliver on time!

Additional requests 1

Sender information 2

Note: We are committed to protecting the privacy of our users. We use your private data exclusively for the purpose of order fulfillment

Recipient information 3

Note: We are committed to protecting the privacy of our users. We use your private data exclusively for the purpose of order fulfillment.

Arrangements ordered on Sundays cannot be delivered on the same day

Please Note: In case no one is at the address, the arrangement will be left in front of the door.

Please fill in the recipient's address. If you know the apartment number, floor, name on the intercom, etc.

Message that will be delivered with the arrangement 4